Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tub Taam - The Book (3)
Tub Taam - The Book (2)
The following letter has been sent by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to Mr. Henry Westheimer.
Rooms of the Society, No. 826 Broadway, Corner of 12th Street New York
January 9, 1866
Mr. Henry Westheimer:
An employee in the service of this Society reports to me that the cruelty inflicted – needlessly – on dumb animals while slaughtering them at your establishment, is of the most barbarous, revolting and wicked character.
This statement has before been communicated to this Society, and it is proper that I call your attention to the fact, with a view to its immediate correction.
You are forbidden by the laws of the State, as well as that higher law of God, thus to mangle and torture His creatures.
You should, at least, so far feel for the miserable lot of the creatures which support, and in so many ways contribute to the well-being of mankind, by killing them with merciful dispatch, and in no way can this be so perfectly done as by a blow from a pointed axe on the head.
At any rate, these horrible scenes must end, and you must not suppose that the laws of this State are to be daily violated by you without responsibility any more than by any other citizen.
If you believe that there is a God in Heaven – tremble! For you may be certain that misfortune will overtake you sooner or later, for these infractions of His natural laws.
I desire to hear from you on this subject before addressing myself to the public authorities, which I shall do, if unheeded by you; but I trust that this appeal will obtain a share of that mercy and pity which you yourself will one day ask of your Maker.
Yours, etc.
Henry Bergh, President
Society Prevention Cruelty to Animals